Bell Youth Team Suit Double Layer Question
Bell - Youth Team Bell Suit $289.95
Is this a double layer suit
To be honest with you, I cannot locate conclusive info anywhere regarding the number layers on the suit. However, I do know these two things:
1) The suit has an outer Nomex layer that is backed up by another lightweight liner inside.
2) The SFI rating is actually much more informative than the number of layers, especially on this level of suit. An SFI rating of 3.2A/5 is quite respectable for a suit of this price. The ""5"" at the end indicates that the racer will have 10 seconds before direct flame will cause a second-degree burn. Most suits fall between 3-7 seconds. 10 seconds gives you enough time to get out of your vehicle - get out of harness, detach any accessory devices, open up a jammed door, etc. - while 3 will do very little for you and 7 is still a bit hairy. Ultimately though, something is better than nothing. This particular suit you are interested in though would be very effective and a great value."
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