Hi I am new to karting and I would like to have someone to personally assist me on the purchase. I have 2kids both of them use size 12 also need the shoes and helmets and neck guards. Thank you
Thank you for your answer, but I still got a few questions
How do I know the size of the helmet? what should I measure?
Also my son is size 12 in clothing what size Karting Suit might he be??
Would you recomend to get chest protectors?? if so what size?
would you recomend to get the knee and elbow guards??
Also how do I measure gloves??
I really appreciatte your help. Thank you very much
You might want to check out it's our other site that only lists karting specific products. For entry level youth karting, I usually recommend the following items:
- This is a good snell rated helmet we have on closeout right now.
- by far our most popular karting suit. Fits well and is a good price.
- last years karting glove by Oakley, we still have enough left to match most suit colors.
- Most popular karting shoe - also looks very cool. I might be able to get you more sizes than are listed on the page - just ask if you don't see it!
- standard neck brace with good stock.
This is a good starting kit for karters- let me know what you think!
On each product there will be a link to the sizing chart. The sizing changes between brands so you'll need to check it on the item you are looking at.
For example on the you'll see the link to the sizing chart right below the description. (Just below and to the left of the First picture of the helmet.)
The link will be to here:
All of the other products will have sizing charts in the same location.
The knee and elbow pads are completely up to you or your son- Around here most kids seem to run without them, but as with any optional safety gear it certainly would never hurt to have!
Let me know if you have any other questions!